Birth Definitions

Multipara Definition


Multipara is a woman who has had two or more viable deliveries. This term may be used whether or not the infant survives birth. To be considered a viable pregnancy, the gestation must endure at least 20 weeks.


Multipara is often confused with Multigravida, which is a woman who is pregnant more than once regardless of the result. However, Multipara specifically refers to a woman who has given birth to two or more children. Other than Multigravida, these are some synonyms or closely related terms to Multipara:

  • Primipara: A woman who has given birth to one child
  • Nullipara: A woman who has never given birth
  • Grand Multipara: A woman who has given birth to five or more children

This image shows how often the term ‘Multipara’ is used in relation to other, similar birth terms:


When women have had multiple pregnancies, risk are unavoidable especially when they are past 35 years old. Some of the risk a multipara pregnant woman can experience are the following:

  • Preterm labor- When labor begins before 37 completed weeks of gestation
  • Low birth weight- Birth weight of less than 2,500 grams (5.5 pounds)
  • Congenital anomalies- Birth defects present at birth
  • Maternal hypertension- High blood pressure during pregnancy
  • Anemia- A lack of healthy red blood cells
  • Postpartum hemorrhage- Heavy bleeding after delivery
  • Uterine rupture- A tear in the uterus during labor or delivery
  • Placenta previa- The placenta is attached too low in the uterus, which may cause severe bleeding before or during delivery
  • Cesarean section- Delivery of a baby through surgical incision in the mother’s abdomen and uterus.
  • Stillbirth- The death of a baby after 20 completed weeks of gestation.

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